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cancer the crab

cancer the crab
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • the fourth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about June 21 to July 22



    1. So consumers did not shun the Cancer pagurus crab in the early months of 2000, and nothing indicates that things were any different for the spider crab over the same period.
    2. So consumers did not shun the Cancer pagurus crab in the early months of 2000, and nothing indicates that things were any different for the spider crab over the same period. (92) Therefore, although withdrawals in January 2000 rose by 92 % compared with January 1999 and rose by 28 % over the first half of that year, these withdrawals were not large in absolute terms. Nor is there any evidence to link this increase to the media coverage of the oil spill. Furthermore, the figures available to the Commission show that the large withdrawals recorded in January 2000 were of species such as spotted dogfish (from 11423 to 16362 kg), saithe (from 120 to 3727 kg) and plaice (from 51 to 1789 kg), species for which, given the way they are marketed, there is little or no link between increased withdrawals and the media coverage of the oil spill. And, according to Ofimer’s sectoral report for January-April 2000, withdrawals remained below 1,5 % of the quantities landed of the main species; individual withdrawals were reported for sea bass, anchovy and spider crab.